Level 1 Diary Complete (30 Day Shred)

Can’t believe I did it, but I did. Don’t see a lot of visual difference, but my skin feels tighter (if that makes sense?). I am now on day 4 of level 2 and really need some encouragement – any tips on how to pull yourself out of a plateau?

My 30 day shred diary can be accessed here: http://anna-chubbi.com/

A Simple Intro

This is quite strange in the sense that I started to blog on day 5 then worked backwards. I did not intend to write about exercise when I started Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred Programme, but by day 5 I needed to find a way to motivate myself. By publishing this online, I feel like I am now accountable to someone and my efforts are more visible – does that make sense?